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Crows Feet

Crow’s Feet Treatment Specialist in Beverly Hills, CA

The sensitive area around the eyes is susceptible to aging symptoms. Wrinkles or lines, like crow’s feet, can be static or dynamic. Muscle contractions that occur during speaking and facial expression result in dynamic wrinkles. On the other hand, static wrinkles are noticeable while the face is at rest but might stand out more when muscles flex. Dr. Rahi provides treatment for Crow’s feet. For more information, contact us or book an appointment online. We serve patients from Beverly Hills, CA, and surrounding areas.

Crow's Feet Treatment Near Me in Beverly Hills, CA
Crow's Feet Treatment Near Me in Beverly Hills, CA

Table of Contents:

What are crow’s feet?
How to get rid of crow’s feet?
How to prevent and treat crow’s feet?
What is the difference between crow’s feet and wrinkles?

What are crow’s feet?

Crow’s feet are often among the earliest signs of aging. Crow’s feet are the wrinkles that form at the sides of the eyes, and out toward the temples. These lines can develop in several different ways. Often they occur from facial muscle contractions associated with various expressions such as squinting, smiling, or frowning.

These repetitive facial movements along with health and lifestyle factors can contribute to the formation of crow’s feet. The eye area is particularly susceptible to the formation of wrinkles because the skin here is thinner and more prone to creasing.

Collagen and elastin are naturally occurring proteins essential for maintaining the skin’s elasticity and firmness that decline as an individual ages. When this occurs the appearance of crow’s feet becomes more pronounced. These changes can start as early as in an individual’s late twenties to early thirties.

The unavoidable aging process, along with the natural facial expressions we all make, leads to the formation of these lines. Despite their inevitability, many preventative and curative treatment options exist to minimize the appearance of crow’s feet.

How to get rid of crow’s feet?

Addressing crow’s feet once they’ve appeared involves a range of cosmetic treatments. Among the most sought-after treatments is Botox, known for its ability to address a wide array of facial wrinkles, especially dynamic ones that develop from repetitive facial expressions. Botox works by relaxing the muscles around the eyes, which in turn reduces the appearance of crow’s feet by preventing the muscles from contracting.

This gives the skin a smoother, more rested appearance, mitigating the appearance of these wrinkles. Botox is not only beneficial for reducing more pronounced crow’s feet but can also be used on a preventative basis to diminish minor lines or delay their onset.

Electing to undergo preventative Botox treatments has become increasingly popular as early intervention can lead to more natural-looking results and may require fewer units of Botox to achieve a transformative effect. The goal of preventative skincare is to maintain the skin’s youthful appearance before significant signs of aging become evident.

In addition to Botox, individuals interested in minimizing crow’s feet have a variety of other cosmetic procedures at their disposal. These range from chemical peels and dermal fillers to laser resurfacing, each offering different benefits tailored to the individual’s specific skin needs and aging concerns.

How to prevent and treat crow’s feet?

Preventing the onset of crow’s feet and treating them once they’ve appeared can involve both health and lifestyle adjustments as well as seeking professional cosmetic treatments. Preventative measures include protecting the skin from sun damage with high-SPF sunscreen, wearing sunglasses to reduce squinting, and maintaining a healthy diet rich in antioxidants.

These steps can help slow down the onset of crow’s feet by supporting skin health and protecting against environmental factors that accelerate aging. For those already noticing the appearance of crow’s feet, integrating skincare products such as exfoliants and moisturizers specifically formulated for the delicate eye area can help minimize their appearance. When preventative measures and over-the-counter treatments are not enough, professional cosmetic procedures offer an effective solution for reducing the visibility of crow’s feet.

Treatments such as Botox injections, chemical peels, dermal fillers, and laser resurfacing can be tailored to each individual’s needs, providing a more targeted approach to addressing these wrinkles. Consulting with specialists like Dr. Rahi for an integrative aesthetics evaluation can help individuals explore the wide range of options available to them, ensuring they choose the most appropriate treatment for their specific situation.

What is the difference between crow’s feet and wrinkles?

There are many different types of wrinkles, primarily distinguished as either static or dynamic wrinkles. Crow’s feet are a specific subtype of wrinkles that form around the eyes and are often dynamic. When crow’s feet develop as dynamic wrinkles this is because of repetitive facial movements, such as smiling or squinting.

These are contrasted with static wrinkles, which are more directly associated with the aging process and the gradual decline in the skin’s production of collagen and elastin. Although crow’s feet often develop first as dynamic wrinkles, they can be dynamic or static.

The reason for their onset may also dictate the best course of treatment. While aging is an inevitable process that affects everyone differently, advancements in cosmetic medicine offer a range of treatments designed to target both dynamic and static wrinkles effectively.

Crow’s feet treatments are available with Dr. Rahi. For more information, contact us or book an appointment online. We serve patients from Beverly Hills CA, Culver City CA, Santa Monica CA, West Hollywood CA, Marina Del Rey CA, Inglewood CA, and surrounding areas.